Hyghspin Sanitary Twin Screw Pumps Specially for Pharmacy and Cosmetics Applications

Product and process safety requirements in the pharmaceutical industry are extremely high. Consequently, pharmaceutical companies declare challenging requirements to their production and laboratory facilities. Frequent focus is put on sterile production which is reproducible into detail.

Key aspects are as follows: simple cleaning of all process components, i.e. including the pumps used, and gentle product transport.

Hyghspin twin screw pumps comply in detail with both of these essential requirements of the pharmaceutic and cosmetics industry. They are constructed according to the criteria of the Hygienic Design and consist completely of stainless steel with a surface finish of Ra ≤ 0.4, if required. The mechanical seals are completely located in the flow area, the elastomers are FDA approved. The pumps are gap-free and without any dead space and can be completely emptied in order to avoid contaminations by means of product residues or intermixtures. They are CIP-capable and can be sterilized up to a temperature of 145°C.

Hyghspin pumps are used, for instance, for the production of creams, ointments and liquid soaps. Hyghspin pumps work with non-contact axially operating feed screws facilitating relatively low product flow speed through the pump, without deviation of flow direction, thus avoiding foaming of liquid soap during transport and achieving a gentle, nearly pulsation-free feeding at constant high suction capacity. In the cosmetic industry abrasive product constituent parts are also very often added. Thanks to modern drive technology only little heat gets into the product. The speed range of 5 – 120 Hz offers a high flexibility and economical appliances for products of different viscosities.

Jung Process Systems Offers Hyghspin Sanitary Twin Screw Pumps

Jung Process Systems offers the Hyghspin pumps now also as completely pre-assembled units with important peripheral equipments such as control technology as well as other controlling instruments.

These units assembled on a trolley offer considerable time savings, for instance during loading and unloading process of fruit concentrates into/off cargo tanks and integrate further improvements with regard to hygienic criteria. Anke Jung’s statement: “We are not only considered as a supplier of pumps but are accepted and appreciated increasingly as a strategic partner for offering perfect solutions to our customers. We are very happy that the market appreciates more and more our Know-how of the machinery and process technology. An absolute plus factor for us represents also the competence of our sales partners who share our philosophy by one hundred per cent”.

In the beverage industry pumps on trolleys are a decisive productivity factor because they considerably simplify the loading and unloading of tanks and trucks. The mobile pumps can be located directly at the usage site with by optimum utilization of short suction pipes. Particular advantages offer Hyghspin twin screw pumps for the transport of fruit juice concentrates where considerably higher volumina can be fed than rotary piston pumps as these types of pumps cavitate more quickly. A further significant feature of the Hyghspin pumps – when handling high-viscosity sticky liquids such as fruit juice concentrates – are the robust and maintenance-free lip sealings. Because of the longer sealing lines any slips are avoided. As a standard Hyghspin pumps are equipped with variable drives, thus feeding pulsation-free via a wide speed range and consequently they are ideally suitable for mixing plants even at high flow rates and viscosity of more than 70° Brix. Constant flow rates are guaranteed, even when pumping juices with different sugar concentrations and/or viscosities.

During this year’s drinktec in Munich which will take place from September 16 – 20, 2013, the company located in Kummerfeld near Hamburg will presents its products.

APV DOUBLE SEAL VALVE - untuk aplikasi CIP

APV DELTA SWcip4 valve adalah Valve dengan double seal baru yang tepat untuk aplikasi CIP yang membutuhkan pemisahan cairan yang aman.

New DELTA SWcip4 valve adalah Double Seal Valve dibangun di atas prinsip-prinsip terkenal DELTA SW4 Single Seat Valve dan DELTA SD4 safe flow valve.

Sebuah tren baru
Secara tradisional, banyak jenis valve yang telah digunakan dalam CIP-aplikasi. Standar keselamatan yang semakin meningkat dan perusahaan food & beverage di seluruh dunia memerlukan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi dalam sistem CIP.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, standard mixproof valves telah digunakan untuk aplikasi ini meskipun dengan biaya tinggi kepada pelanggan.

Sebuah produk baru
Dengan memperkenalkan DELTA SWcip4 Valve, APV sekarang memiliki mixproof valve, yang diposisikan tepat untuk aplikasi. Semakin sederhananya desain berarti bahwa DELTA SWcip4 tersedia dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif.


Dear Blogger,

Kali ini saya akan menginformasikan kiranya faktor2 apa sajakah yang diperlukan dalam pemilihan Sanitary Pump, agar blogger tidak salah dalam membeli pompa2 Sanitary .

Berikut ini adalah faktor2 yang perlu anda ketahui :

1.  PRODUCT yang dihasilkan 
     Product yang dimaksud disini adalah product apa yang dihasilkan dalam industri anda? Misalnya,
     sejenis makanan kah? Minuman kah? atau sejenis liquid obat2an atau chemical? Dengan kata lain
     apakah termasuk jenis liquid atau padat?

      Perhatikan berapa nilai dari viscositasnya? Masuk di Range manakah produk yang sedang anda

     Berapa nilai density nya pada produk yang anda hasilkan?

      Berapa suhu maximal produk yang serdang anda produksi? Karena suhu juga sangat
      mempengaruhi performance dari pompa sanitary yang akan anda pilih. Karena pada setiap
      pompa ada kemampuan maximal terhadap suhu. Karena sangat berpengaruh pada mechanical

     Berapa Headnya ? Biasanya head juga sangat berpengaruh pada performance pompa sehingga
     sangat berhubungan dengan efektivitas dan efisiensi  produksi anda.

     Tentukan berapa besar range flowrate yang anda butuhkan berdasarkan produksi di pabrik anda?
     Atau dengan bahasa lain adalah debit yang dikeluarkan dari pompa tersebut. Biasanya diukur
     dalam satuan liter / menit atau bisa juga diukur dalam liter / jam.

Nah Blogger, bila blogger sekalian sdh mendapatkan data2 yang diperlukan seperti diatas, maka kuarang lebihnya blogger sekalian sdh bisa mulai menentukan seperti apakah Jenis atau type pompa sanitary yang akan anda beli? Atau boleh juga walaupun blogger sudah mendapatkan data2 teknis diatas, lalu diskusikan kepada Sales Engineer yang anda kenal untuk mengkonfirmasikan atau mendapatkan jenis pompa yang pas, tepat dan sesuai dengan aplikasi anda dilapangan.

Cukup kiranya hal2 sederhana yang perlu juga anda ketahui dalam pemilihan sanitary pump. Dengan demikian, tidak akan terjadi kesalahan dalam pemeilihan, produksi anda akan berjalan lancar, perusahaan anda akan diuntungkan, lalu anda akan dapat pujian atau bahkan naik jabatan.... hehehe...

Selamat mencoba ya blogger....!!!

Jln. Kampung Sawah No.88
Jati Warna, Bekasi
HP      : 0858 7572 8285

Sanitary Pumps Untuk Industri Foods and Beverages

Dalam praktek industri pangan, banyak diperlukan pompa terutama untuk memindahkan produk dari tempat yang satu ke tempat yang lain.  Karena pangan merupakan produk yang mudah rusak maka penanganannya perlu dilakukan secara hati-hati, terukur, dan saniter.  Untuk itu diperlukan persyaratan-persyaratan sanitasi tertentu terhadap peralatan yang digunakan dalam proses produksi pangan yang baik.
Salah satu utitiltas penting dalam proses produksi pangan; yang memerlukan persyaratan sanitas khusus, adalah pompa.  Secara umum, pompa adalah alat untuk memindahkan cairan (fluida) dari satu titik ke titik yang lain; suati operasi yang banyak diperlukan pada industri pangan.

Berbagai jenis produk atau bahan yang pada umumnya perlu dipindahkan dengan menggunakan pompa pada berbagai jenis industri pangan

Industri PanganJenis bahan
Industri rerotian (bakeri)Adonan, mintak/lemak, larutan flavor, pemanis (gula cair), campuran ragi (yeast slurry)
MinumanBir, wort, ragi, air, jus, sirup, dll
SusuSusu, whey, krim, susu kental manis
DagingSmoke house spray, minyak (liquid fat), minyak goreng
Lain-lainLarutan pembersih, larutan sanitaiser

Pompa di industri pangan pada prakteknya digunakan baik untuk (i) sekedar keperluan transportasi fluida maupun (ii) untuk mengumpanan fluida secara terukur untuk keperluan pengendalian proses.   Untuk keperluan memindahkan cairan atau tranportasi  …dst

Sumber : klik disini

HYGSPIN SANITARY TWIN SCREW PUMP - Hygh Performace Pump for Higienic Applications

The HYGHSPIN is available as a close−coupled pump with flange-fitted motor − for reliable performance even in the tightest of spots.

The series HYGHSPIN was developed for highest demands with regard to precision and hygiene.
HYGHSPIN complies with  the quality requirements for the food and beverage industry and is also
optimally suitable for many appliances in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Our own production site offers flexibility and is certified as per ISO 9001:2008.

•    Pumping of aqueos and highly viscous media
•    High suction performance
•    Product and CIP with only one pump
•    Pumping fo fibrous media and products containing pieces
•    Gentle product handling
•    Abrasion-free-no contact between the feeding elements
•    Supply rates up to 200m2/h
•    EHEDG certified
•    Simple assembly and disassembly
•    Technical advisory service and  optimization for all fields of application
•    GOST R-certification


Trial Transfer Glucose menggunakan HYGHSPIN TWIN SCREW PUMP


The DW series is SPX's latest technology rotary lobe pump range. No other rotary lobe pump on the market today offers such a wide range of features in one pump. The 26 DW models are hygienic, 3−A and EHEDG approved and cover all requirements from 3 litres /100 revs to 1016/100 revs. Maximum pressureup to 30bar. All product contact parts are AISI 316L stainless steel andelastomers comply with FDA-requirements.

Features and benefits  :

    • High volumetric efficiency The new DW-range is designed according to the principle: More pump for your money. Internal clearances have been minimised making the pump so efficient that in medium viscosity applications a smaller pump size than usual will do the job. This reduces both initial investment and running costs.

    • Ultra-hygienic, accommodates harsh CIP-cycles All DW models are CIP/SIP cleanable. The pumps are designed to withstand rapid temperature changes and can therefore accommodate very harsh CIP-cycles.

    • Pulse-free performance When pumping highly viscous products, the DW circumferential piston pumps run completely pulse-free. This ensures a constant process flow, as required for instance in connection with filling machines, safeguards valves, and other equipment that is liable to damage through pressure surges.

    • Low NPSH-requirement The highly improved suction capabilities of the DW pump considerably reduce the NPSH-requirement (Net Positive Suction Head required). In combination with the absence of pressure pulsations, thismakes the DW pumps ideal for many applications, such as ultra-filtration.

    • Gentle product handling The rotor designs ensure maximum product integrity and minimise risk of potential damage to sensitive products. The circumferential piston rotors, as well as the new twin lobe rotors are suitable both for high and low viscosities and will also handle cheese curds and whey, soft fruit and meat which until now required fitting of special rotors.

    • Easy Maintenance The easy-to-access front loaded mechanical seals reduce maintenance time considerably. All shaft seal O−rings are identical and access to the shaft seal is achieved by simply removing the front cover and the rotors. Likewise, timing of rotors is an uncomplicated procedure.

    • Low noise levels Patented rotor design practically eliminates hydraulic noise and the helical gears minimize gearbox noise.



Operational Features  :
    • Smooth flow
    • Gentle product handling
    • Dry running ability with double seal
    • Handles low and high viscosity products
    • Simple maintenance
    • Hygienic design
    • Low sound level
    • CIP capability standard
    • Free draining pump housing
    • Unique rotor attachment
    • Robust construction
    • Process flexibiltiy
    • Single mechanical seals standard. Optional double mechanical seals also available
    • Grease lubricated bearings for positive lubrication over speed, temperature

Instalations Features  :
    • Bi-directional flow
    • Easy service and maintenance
    • Horizontal or vertical mounting
    • Easy to disassemble and reassemble
    • 316L stainless steel pump body and cover
    • Versatile 4-way mounting of gear case, including vertical alignment of ports

Product Benefits  :
    • Pumps with flushed double mechanical seals can run dry indefinitely
    • Very low shear, product not damaged during pumping
    • No internal rotor contact
    • Large fluid cavities can pump liquids with large solids
    • No cross-contamination of lubricating oil into product zone due to unique gear case design
    • Pumps are energy efficient and easily cleaned, maintained and repair


SPX Seital Separation Technology offers a wide range of self-cleaning separators for liquid/liquid/solid separation.  This type of separator allows for the recovery of fine particles (0,5-500 µm), the efficient separation of a mixture into its two phases and the contemporary clarification of both by means of a very high peripheral centrifugal field (G-force).

SPX Seital Separation Technology offers a wide range of self-cleaning clarifiers for liquid/solid separation.
SPX Seital Separation Technology offers a wide range of self-cleaning clarifiers for liquid/solid separation. The clarifier allows the recovery of fine particles (0.5-500 µm) and/or a strong clarification of liquids by means of a very high peripheral centrifugal field (G-force).

For liquid/liquid/solid separation with a very low solids content.
SPX Seital Separation Technology offers a wide range of solids-retaining separators for liquid/liquid/solid separation with very low solids content in the feed (less than 0.2% in volume). This type of separator allows efficient separation of a mixture into its two phases and the recovery of fine particles (0.5-500 µm) by means of a very high peripheral centrifugal field (G-force). The separation process takes place in the bowl of the high speed separator.
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